What makes you sweat so much?

Sweating helps to keep our body cool, keep our skin moist and helps fight bacteria that come in contact with your skin.

When we sweat, the fluid that is released from the millions of skin pores. As sweat evaporates, it takes heat from the skin surface which causes a decrease in total effective body temperature.

Many infections like flu or tonsillitis body, causing fever as the body tries to fight microbial attack, but also uses sweat to help restore normal body temperature.

We have two types of sweat glands, some stimulated into action by a fever, while others respond to emotion.

One type, called apocrine glands, found mainly in the armpits, nipples and genital area. They are present at birth but do not function until puberty. These sweat glands respond to strong emotions, from anger and fear of sexual stimulation.

The second type, called Eccrine glands, causing us to sweat when we are hot.

Most people have about 2-4000000 sweat glands in their bodies. Women have more sweat glands than men, but men are usually more active, which is why they generally sweatier.

What causes excessive sweating?

In a quiet normal day we loose at least half a liter of water with the so-called sweat "instinctive."

In severe conditions, we can easily lose more than 2 liters of sweat in 24 hours.

A condition called hyperhidrosis causing excessive sweating, especially in densely populated parts of the body's sweat glands like the armpits, soles of the feet, palms of the face, hands and nipples. In severely affected areas moist at all times and can not sweat rash. Nearly one in five of us are affected by hyperhidrosis to some extent or another. The most common type of hyperhidrosis is unknown cause, usually begins at puberty and disappears from the early 30's.

Thyrotoxicosis caused by an overactive thyroid gland, causing the body's metabolic rate increases to thereby increase body temperature. To cool the body down the excessive sweating.

Hypoglycemia - or low blood sugar - often causes excessive sweating. When sugar levels drop, the body produces additional adrenaline to increase blood circulation and stimulates the central regulate body heat.

Menopause is a time of life when excessive sweating and skin flushing can be a problem. This results from decreased levels of estrogen in women as the ovaries stop functioning.

Changes in the body in a certain stage of life can result in excessive sweating, such as in adolescence, excessive sweating often affects the feet and hands, which can be permanently wet, how teens confused! Fortunately, steps after puberty is passed.

Menopause is another time in life when excessive sweating and skin flushing can be a problem. This results from decreased levels of estrogen in women as the ovaries stop functioning.

Infection, some medications and stressful situations can cause excessive sweating.

Excessive sweating can be caused by substances that trigger a set of mechanisms to respond to body heat, such as alcohol, caffeine in coffee, tea and cola drinks, and even a simple aspirin.
Excessive sweating can be controlled?

Excessive sweating can stain and ruin clothes. It also can be a breeding ground for bacteria, resulting in body odor, especially in warm moist parts of the body such as armpits and groin area.

Is there something you can do about excessive sweating? regular antiperspirant deodorant and may not be effective in some cases, but the stronger can be purchased at pharmacies or taken with NHS prescription.

Anyone who is suffering from excessive sweating have to give special attention to personal hygiene and wear clothes and shoes made from cotton, linen wool, and leather, not synthetic materials.

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