7 Scary Breast Symptoms

Your breasts, of course, change during their lifetime, depending on the shift in hormone levels, menstrual changes, the demands of pregnancy and lactation, and after menopause," explains Cynara Coomera, MD, chief of breast surgery at the State Island University Hospital and assistant clinical professor of surgery, Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. "Knowing what your breasts normally look and feel and be aware of changes at each stage can help you to understand that this is normal, that may mean that there is something going on.

The first Is that normal ... have chest pain?

It is quite normal if it happens around the time of menstruation, occurs in both breasts, and comes and goes. This is especially true if you have fibrocystic breast disease, and it means that your breast tissue was drunk and prone to swelling. Caffeine also may make the breast feel lumpier and more painful, so try to reduce (or return) of coffee, tea and cola.

To ease the discomfort, ask your doctor about taking daily combination of vitamin B6 (100 to 200 mg), vitamin E (200-400 IU) and evening primrose oil (1,000 IU). B6, probably works as a diuretic and can help reduce the levels of the hormone prolactin (which stimulates the production of breast milk), while the evening primrose is rich in gamma linolenic acid, which can often relieve the painful symptoms, says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale School of Medicine. Less is known about the effect of vitamin E, but in general the combination seems to get results. "At least 60 percent of my patients with fibrocystic breast trying to feel a lot better," says Dr. Minkin.

If the pain is constant and does not disappear after your period, talk with your doctor. There is a small chance of infection or even cancer.

Second Is it normal ... to my chest to feel very vulnerable?
Breast tissue hormone sensitive, which means that it is very sensitive to changes that occur during the menstrual cycle, said Paula A. Randolph, MD, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York-Presbyterian Columbia University Medical Center in New York. In the days and weeks leading up to menstruation, shifting levels of estrogen and progesterone, creating a cascade of changes, including swelling of the breasts and breast augmentation tubes and glands. You may also notice that your breasts are more tender and more sensitive to sexual stimulation right before menstruation.

These changes do not worry about anything, and your breasts should be back to "normal" after a period. But if you feel uncomfortable, try taking anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen, and ask your doctor for a mild diuretic, which can relieve some symptoms.

Third Is it normal ... for my breasts leaking?
If not breastfeeding, spontaneous discharge nipples can be a sign of problems. Pituitary tumor or cancer can cause this kind of leak, or it may be a sign of polyps (usually benign) breast in the canal, says Dr. Coomera. If you see any signs of discharge, consult your doctor.

Fourth, Is it normal ... One of my breasts to be larger than the other?

Exactly. In the end, no arms or legs exactly the same size. In fact, nearly half of all women have significant differences in breast size, says Dr. Coomera. For some unknown reason, the left is often greater than the right, sometimes up to a full cup size! Tile in the bra can help even things. If you have a relatively new major change (for example, one breast suddenly swollen), see your doctor. This may mean that your breasts become inflamed from infection, or may be a solid mass or a cyst.

Fifth Is it normal ... grow hair on my nipples?

Many women have some hair on her nipples and breasts, and the number and rate of growth may vary depending on the shift in hormone levels, says Dr. Minkin. Growth may be more pronounced when going through puberty and perimenopause and menopause. You can remove hair as well as anywhere else: tweezers, wax or laser treatment. If you are not going through hormonal changes and periods become irregular also (much longer or shorter or even nonexistent), talk to your doctor about checking the level of hormones. You may overproduction of androgens (male) hormones, which is caused by a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Sixth Is it normal ... in "Winnie" warts?

About 5 percent to 15 percent of women are involved dummy (pacifier to go into the breast mound, creating a hole or hollow) and can be implemented in one or both breasts. Some women have nipples that are only partially inverted, meaning that it does not stick very well. If you experience any of these issues from puberty or 20's, it's probably not a big deal, especially if your nipples pop up when it is stimulated. However, if you notice a sudden change in the shape of the nipple pulls in, see a doctor. Cyst or mass, benign or otherwise, may be to blame.

If the seventh is normal ... for my nipples to change the color?

Warts and surrounding skin, called the areola, may vary from pale pink to dark brown, says Dr Coomera. Changes in hormone levels, or from your menstrual cycle, certain medications or even aging, can change the pigmentation. This is especially important during pregnancy when the skin thickens and develops a thick film to make it easier for children to retire to. If you do not go through any hormonal changes, and change the color of your nipples, talk to your doctor, especially if they itch. This may mean another problem, such as infection or possibly cancer.

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