12 Myths About ignore breast cancer

So many rumors and controversy surrounding breast cancer - what causes it, what prevents it, it may be difficult to know who to believe. Just because a friend swears, that wearing bra can cause breast cancer does not mean that it is right. And if you think that you not risk, because there is no breast cancer in your family, you may be wrong. The truth is that scientists still do not know what causes breast cancer to certain factors, such as obesity or drink much alcohol - may increase the risk.

Therefore, prevention is joined with a new organization called Love / Avon Army of Women, whose mission is to help scientists better understand what causes breast cancer so we can prevent the time, and for all. Learn more about this wonderful initiative here, and I question the fact of some breast cancer materials.

Myth: Breast cancer is mainly genetic.
Reality, only 5 to 10% of cases are due to the damaged breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2.
It is women who are family history, in many cases the cause is not specific genetic mutations, according to the American Cancer Society, but, rather, that the combination of life factors and genetic susceptibilities. The truth is that scientists still do not know what causes breast cancer. But one of the best ways to find out to compare women who «ve never one who, or who face the increased risk of type Research Army's hopes that further.

Myth: Small-chested women at lower risk.
Fact, your bra size does not play a role in whether you get breast cancer. All development of breast cancer cells that line the ducts or lobules-parts, which correspond to the milk and the dead, women and all of this, although the same number of breast size. No matter how big or small breasts total amount of fat and stroma (fibrous tissue), which research shows little impact on the situation in cancer. Bottom line: All women 40 and over need regular mammograms.

20 ways never cancer.

Myth: Breast cancer has always been as a piece.
Reality, about 10% of diagnosed breast cancer are lumps, pain or other indications of a problem with them. And lumps are found, 80 and 85% are benign. They are often noncancerous cysts or tumors called fibroadenomas. That said, any breast lump or symptom (especially from the list below) that will not go to examined, a doctor.

    Changes in how the breast or nipple looks or feels
    A piece or thickening near the breast or underarm area, or
    Breast pain or nipple sinazesa
    Change in breast shape or metsutean
    Mole or skin that becomes spiritual in breast
    Feeling warm merdzenas
    Scaly, red or swollen skin, breast, areola, or nipple, perhaps together with ranges or pitting that looks like orange peel
    Nipple discharge

Myth: Mammograms prevent or reduce your risk.
In fact: Regular mammograms do not prevent or reduce your risk of breast cancer. They simply discovered the breast cancer that already exists - to reduce deaths among patients with breast cancer approximately 16%. However, many breast cancers are present 6 to 8 years even when they appear on mammograms and screening misses 20% of all tumors. Therefore, it is important that all women have annual breast examination performed by health care providers and pay close attention to their bodies to understand what potential changes are still possible. Getting high-quality mammogram and clinical breast examination on a regular basis, more effective ways to detect breast cancer in his early stages, but we need additional information about how women can be prevented in the first place, which is where the army of women plays an important role.

Myth: Mammograms cause breast cancer.
In fact, the risk of radiation damage is minuscule compared to the great advantage of early detection. ACS recommends that women 40 and over have a mammogram every year. Radiation doses are regulated by the FDA, and the low amount equal to the average person receives natural sources, due to 3 months. In addition, women will be 50 times less radiation than mammograms, than they were 20 years ago, in which the risk of long-term health effects, being almost equal to zero, the FDA. As in any case, breast cancer is different from all women should Talk to your doctor about personal risk factors for breast cancer. These high risk should start making mammograms before age 40 or over they are more sensitive screening methods such as MRI.

Myth: Birth control pills cause breast cancer.
In fact: According to the doctors, the evidence is so strong, so they recommend that women stop birth control pills to prevent breast cancer. In some studies the mid-'90s have shown that birth control users had a slightly increased risk, but researchers caution that the tablet formulations did not change after that (most contain very low doses of hormones linked to breast cancer risk. This study also found that the risk returned to normal 10 years later, women do not take pills. Some research suggests that the risk can depend on age or ethnicity (African Americans and those who take the pills at the age of 45 have a slightly increased risk), while other studies found no association between cancer and some pills. "This means that birth control breast cancer risk may not be identical in all women," says Susan Love, MD, a breast cancer surgeon, founder and forces a woman, "That is why we need the army to help women determine whether subgroups different implications.

Anti-cancer of diet.

Myth: The young women do not get breast cancer.
Reality, despite the fact that, although the disease is more frequent in postmenopausal women, breast cancer can affect people of any age. In fact, women under 50 account 25% of all breast cancer cases, and they tend to higher mortality rates. This can partly be explained by the fact that young girls tend to denser breasts, which makes it more difficult to spot what is in the lumps mammograms. For this reason, it is a good idea to perform their monthly breast exams beginning at age 20, clinical examination by a doctor every 3 years, and begin mammographic screening at age 40. If you have a family history of breast cancer, ask your doctor about getting a breast MRI, a young woman who gets breast cancer are more likely to mutation of the BRCA 1 or 2 genes than older women, and one study showed that MRI taken up to 77% of cancer compared to 36% of women by mammography. If your doctor says you dense breasts, require a digital mammogram, which found 15% more cancers than standard mammograms for women 50 and women up to 11% more dense breasts in 2005 Survey.

Myth, deodorant and antiperspirants cause breast cancer.
The fact is `Skip toilet does not hold the breasts cancer free. One rumor said that the e-antiperspirant prevents you sweating out toxins, which accumulate in lymph nodes and causes breast cancer. But in 2002, researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle study conducted at this rumor - and found no link between deodorant or antiperspirant and breast cancer. On the other rumors suggest that some chemical antiperspirants, such as aluminum and parabens, can lead to breast cancer because of low disease distribution in developing countries where women do not use these products. However, the toxins are usually released through sweat, and Europe, where antiperspirants are not widely used in breast cancer is higher than in the United States. Finally, despite the fact that the 2004 study found parabens in breast cancer tissue tumors, yet no studies have shown that this or any other chemicals, deodorants and antiperspirants cause breast cancer.

Video myth of the free bra increases your risk of cancer.
Reality, there is no good scientific or clinical grounds for confirming normal or underwire bras cause breast cancer. It seems that the rumors started after the book Dressed to kill suggested that bras impede toxin - Laden lymph fluid to flow out of a breast. However, this speculation was based on research rather than scientific evidence. Since then, major medical institutions such as the National Cancer Institute and ACS have denied the claims. If you do not get nonbra wearers breast cancer is less likely, because they tend to be thin, well-known risk factor of obesity.

Myth of drinking water in plastic bottles left in hot car can cause cancer.
In fact, this rumor falsely claims that the group of toxic chemicals dioxins associated array of health problems, including breast cancer leach from plastic water hot.

Plastic does not contain dioxins, and the strong sun rays do not create the states, Michael Trush, PhD, Deputy Director of Johns Hopkins Center for Urban Environmental Health.

The majority of single use drink bottles sold in the United States is made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), tested the intensive nature of the security. Facts are that the heat may cause bisphenol (BPA), this complex showed that the estrogenic effects of animal studies in order to leach from plastic bottles of water. («Estrogenic effect" as that influence cancer risk. However, most single use water bottles sold in the United States is made from BPA-free plastic. And there is no confirmed link to breast cancer for women, however. Should be safe, drink a reusable plastic bottles labeled "BPA free", or select a bottle of water, "1", "2", "4" or "5" recycling symbol on the end.

Myth: I had a normal mammogram, do not worry about breast cancer.
In fact: Mammograms offers the best chance of early detection in the current guidelines recommend at least 40 years or more for women, but they were not perfect. Poll showed that 20% can miss breast cancer for women who do not have any symptoms. Mammography reduces the risk of dying of breast cancer, which is only 16%, according to Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. And just because a test does not mean that returns to normal, breast cancer will develop later, why guidelines to annual mammograms. Should be safe as breast self-exams, paying particular attention to any changes in how your breasts look or feel. Women under 40 should always be a clinical examination 3 years. Women 40 and over should be together with the annual mammogram. Ask your doctor about the latest screening technology, digital mammograms detected 15% more cancer for women 50 and women up to 11% more dense breasts, according to one study, digital MRIs take up to 77%, women's cancer genetic mutation, compared to 36% was found in mammography. MRI should be used with non-instead, mammogram according to the ACS.

Myth: Breast cancer preventable.
Facts: Although you can certainly apply to certain risk factors such as obesity and inactivity, there is no sufficient information on what causes breast cancer to prevent the women a whole.

"There is no difference between what is related to high-risk breast cancer, such as obesity after menopause, and alcohol, and the fact that the tumor generation," said Love. "Presumably, this is not a reason not to facilitate or in any way connected with it."

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