Flawless Skin - Fast

Just when you thought you escaped your teens and 20s unblemished, you will find yourself fighting breakthroughs in the 30s and beyond. Hormones can fluctuate like crazy in our 30s, 40s and 50s, as on and off pills, pregnancy, enter perimenopause and, ultimately, menopause.  

Acne is not just a result of the problem too. There are a number of conditions that mimic acne, which may make it difficult for a woman to know that they really are, and how to treat it. But the diagnosis of those red spots can be easy if you know what to look for.
You may have adult acne. You get acne in the first years of adult breaks for the same reasons it was at school, mainly due to the generation and hormones. But this is not always estrogen levels fall and androgen levels increase, as many people believe. The body is just developing a new sensitivity to the hormone, which can lead to a breakthrough.  

And those who are inclined to, androgens, or male hormones may overstimulate the oil and interfere with the normal shedding of skin cells, resulting in a kill and a couple of strokes, blackheads, whiteheads and pop. Treat him with over-the-counter acne products, to get started.  

Go to the cleaners, oil-free moisturizers, and place of treatment with a clean pair of salicylic acid or sulfur, both of which are much smaller than drying benzoyl peroxide. The choice of formula, which doubled as an anti-managers struggle with the lines of products containing peptides and antioxidants. Homemade solutions exist. You can create an acne control paste by mixing a little honey, antiseptic, dab with a cortisone cream per cent, and some aloe vera gel, which soothes the skin. Simply apply it to break.  

You get all the anti-inflammatory effect of cortisone, and it will take some angriness with acne. If your skin does not clear after two or three weeks at home treatment, see a dermatologist. They can shrink the cyst buried with a shot of cortisone and prescribed a short course of antibiotics, creams and pills, in severe cases of adult acne.
If you notice redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead, and visible blood vessels, you may have rosacea. The exact causes of this chronic inflammatory disease is unknown. Some experts blame the bacteria, while others attribute it to the inflammation or microorganisms living in the sebaceous glands. Without treatment, anxiety, flushing can lead to merciless redness, swelling and edema.

 In contrast, adult acne, rosacea is not enough punches plugs, sticky clumps that come when you compress acne. Treat it with antioxidant-rich sunscreen, anti-moisturizing and gentle detergent. And cover it with make-up with a green tint, which counteracts the magenta. How to avoid what makes you blush, caffeine, alcohol, spices, the sun is an important part of treatment, too.  

If these funds do not do the trick, see a dermatologist. They are likely to prescribe antibiotics or recommend intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is to knock out the background of redness and laser treatment for broken blood vessels in the target. One to three treatments for $ 400 to $ 600 a pop, as a rule, are necessary to IPL and laser.

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