Serious Health Issues Indicated by Thinning Hair

Thinning hair does not just happen to be men, but also for women. Women with thinning hair may feel insecure and just want to cover your head and find a solution to your hair back to normal. Case in fact, hair loss can be a warning of more serious health problems. Faced with a lack of vitamin D can lead to thinning hair. This lack of vitamin D may also mean that your body does not have enough sun exposure. 

Thus, people living in a sunny spot, and their body is often exposed to the sun better than vitamin D in their system. However, if you do not live in a place with enough exposure to sunlight, you can take vitamin D as fish oil or vitamin D capsules. Although your body is equipped with enough vitamin D for prevention and treatment of many diseases, including thinning hair.

Hormonal imbalance is another condition set by thinning. Hormones in women 30 years and older can begin to fade, which can lead to hair loss, but hair growth in unwanted parts of the body, lips and chin. Condition caused by excessive conversion of male sex hormones called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in women. As women age, they can start to convert androgens like testosterone to DHT is produced. To overcome this situation, women could use supplements Saw Palmetto for about 3 months to make hair grow where it should be. 

Too much stress can be defined thinning hair too. Extensive hair shows chronic stress, which hurts other body systems. So people should not have too much stress for small things because it can lead to thinning hair. People can learn techniques for coping with stress, such as to enable them to handle stress properly. However, if chronic stress and constant, a stress hormone, should be used so that the body can fight stress.

In addition to health problems, shows hair loss, excessive use of hair products with toxic chemicals can also cause thinning hair. So women should no longer treat their hair than to give your hair breathe. Too treatments such as hair dyes, excessive bath cream and many more can lead to hair loss. So just do hair treatment, if necessary, or simply use natural remedies for hair treatment.

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