Tips on Reducing Pain From Erupting Wisdom Teeth

Having pain from a wisdom tooth? Obviously, you need to get to the dentist, but what can you do at the same time, which can help relieve the discomfort? The following tips can help ease symptoms:

First Rinse your mouth with. Use mouthwash several times a day can really help. Use a simple salt water flush, or property, mouthwash such as chlorhexidine. Always rinse for at least 30 seconds to whiz mouthwash around the tender area. Do this several times every day while symptoms persist. It helps to rinse, cleaning under the gum area where harmful bacteria are.  

Chlorhexidine mouthrinse also comes in gel form. This can be very useful, since cleaning gel can get a painful gum flap. The gel will stay active, disinfection of the area for some time.

The second Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (such as paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen) can be used to provide pain relief. The number of over-the-counter analgesics are useful for wisdom tooth pain. In this group include: ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol and paracetamol, codeine, including. Ibuprofen is a good choice for many, given that it is as a pain reliever and it will reduce the inflammatory response.

It is important that only take any medications, if you know that it is safe for you to do. For example, ibuprofen is not suitable if you have a stomach ulcer and / or asthma. In addition, aspirin is not suitable for those who have any bleeding disorders.  

If in doubt, make sure you get information from a physician or dentist, whether in the pharmacist, where you can take painkillers. You should always stick to the dosage of medications advised. Never place an aspirin tablet resting on the gum near the wisdom teeth. It does not give any pain, and probably irritate the gum area, such as aspirin are actually acidic.

Third In the case of severe pain / swelling: Application of hot or cold compresses on the affected side may give some breathing room. Use Icepack or hot water bottle held to his cheek on the affected side.

If you have any of the following symptoms, consult your dentist as soon as possible: firstly, the discomfort that lasts more than a few days or be extreme. Secondly, if any serious symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes under the chin, swelling of the face and jaw muscle spasms of the jaw, high temperatures, as well as common disease.

As your dentist can help. First, the dentist is likely to remove a gum patch. He / she may designate which antibiotic, if you have deep-seated infections. Your dentist can further smooth the ends of the upper wisdom tooth or the tooth can get.  

This is useful when the upper teeth to dig into the gums of the tender, if you shut down. Upper wisdom teeth are usually easier to remove, compared with the effect of lower wisdom teeth. Treatment of upper wisdom teeth can give quick relief in some cases. It may even be sufficient to prevent further problems.

Your dentist will be able to look at the wisdom tooth, and may need to take x-rays. These X-rays give a better view of how wisdom teeth are, if they seem to be affected and how they can move forward in the long run. In case of serious problems, such as major swelling, your dentist may have to refer you to the hospital.
In conclusion, there are several things you can do when suffering from wisdom tooth pain. These tips may help in the short term, waiting for contact to the dentist.

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