What's the best treatment for falling hair

Hair loss and baldness symptoms of zinc deficiency. Zinc is an essential mineral for normal growth and development of hair. The mineral is the most abundant in meat and dairy products.

Remember that meat and milk may contain saturated fats that contribute to hair loss. For other sources of zinc to try seaweed, cocoa powder, wheat germ, cashew nuts, oysters, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.


Biotin is a member of a complex of vitamins B, which work together in the body and are necessary for the growth of healthy hair. Biotin deficiency results hair loss and dry, dull hair. Food sources for biotin include liver, egg yolks, cauliflower and oatmeal. For the final treatment of hair loss tend to include other essential vitamins in your diet, such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic and folic acid.


Iron deficiency means that your body does not produce enough red blood cells need energy to maintain the oxygen to every tissue in your body. Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, depression and hair loss. Iron is essential for blood and oxygen flow to the scalp.

It helps stimulate the hair follicles, so that healthy hair can start to grow again after the loss of hair. Good sources of iron include apricots, black-eyed peas, soybeans, liver, mussels, oysters, berries, dried fruit, figs, pine nuts and whole grain breads.

Vitamin C

Your body needs vitamin C to absorb iron. In "Food Bible" by Judy says is a testament vitamin C sources, such as citrus fruits after a meal rich in iron.

Other sources of vitamin C, to include in your diet for healthy hair include tomatoes, green peppers, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts, potatoes and asparagus.

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