Men's Skin Care Tips

Just like women men need to have a proper skin care routine to maintain a healthy skin.So let me share to you some things you should know about your skin as well as some tips for men ,how to take care of it.


Cleansing is first step in any skincare routine. It is also the most important favor that you can do for your face.But take note that cleaning doesn't mean washing your face with a regular bath soap because using a bath soap in cleaning your face  could leave your skin dryer than Sahara desert.So you don't have to buy the high end chichi cleansers out there just choose an alcohol free cleanser specially formulated for men.


This is very important to exfoliate your skin at least once or twice a week. Exfoliating deeply cleanses the skin and lifts the garbage that can not be removed daily cleanser. It also prevents you from having whiteheads, pimples and blackheads. It also helps to smooth skin and soften the hair follicles and ingrown hairs (if you have one). It is best to exfoliate before you shave to achieve that smooth, perfect shave.


Dry skin is a sign of aging? To avoid this, always moisturize with a light moisturizer after washing. It is best to get a moisturizer with SPF, so you moisturizing and sun protection, while at the same time.

1 comment:

Joe Smith said...

Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems. Thanks for sharing these tips. I enjoyed reading the blog.

Mens Grooming