Antiaging products Demystified: four rules to remember before you buy

Some products that claim to prevent and reverse signs of aging. Others claim to smooth, firm and lift skin, and did much to ensure that stimulates collagen and reduce wrinkles. Anti-aging products that fill our heads with promises. (I fully expect to wake up looking like Gwyneth Paltrow, after using one.) There are thousands to choose from prestigious brands to expensive drug options that are reasonable. How do I choose between them, and what ingredients you can actually work?

Most of us feel confused and frustrated with so many options. (Do not forget my big shopping trip?) According to the American Academy of Dermatology in Schaumburg, Illinois, 94 percent of women are confused by their anti-aging options. So let's demystify the mystery cosmetic. There are four rules to remember:

 1. prevent skin aging with what we already have: sunblock.
 The sun is the best defense against aging and the best investment you can make. Ninety percent of cosmetic skin problems that occur with aging (wrinkles, sagging, hyperpigmentation) are caused by sun exposure, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Therefore, sunscreen is the best miracle cream honesty and kindness in the market. There is no point in buying a lot of anti-aging products to repair the damage, if not impossible, first through the use of sunscreen every day. Most cosmeceutical ingredients attempt to mimic substances found in the body, such as antioxidants, peptides, growth factors, Coenzymes, copper and vitamins. So, to protect what we already have, of course, and maintain optimal health of skin with moisturizer and sunscreen daily beauty is worth a thousand anti-aging solution. In fact, I have a collection of sunscreen and use them all differently - an oil-free range, wide SPF 15 for daily use, an SPF 30 when I know I'll be out most of the day , a body lotion with sunscreen added and a spray sunscreen even stronger broad spectrum of the beach. Because his skin changes the type and amount of sun exposure causes it gets too, sunscreen must be compatible. Keep some sunscreen formulations also reduces the justification for not using it, and sunscreens are a good investment that a lot of cosmeceuticals. Think of it this way: every time you put on sunscreen, it is preventing signs of aging and therefore save money on expensive products or cosmetic procedures to fix fine lines or spots.

 2. Read product labels.
 Label must list the ingredients of high concentration of low, so if anti-aging element you're looking for, either C or vitamin niacinamide, is nearing an end, it is not enough to do anything in the product. (Keep in mind, a high concentration of chemical is a way to get it on the skin). In most cases, a cosmetic acts primarily as a good moisturizer, which is wonderful, but it will not take much more than superficial and temporary results. Most of the ingredients on the label - water, moisturizers, binders and preservatives that make vehicles - are not active. Often, an anti-aging product line includes silicone to ensure a smooth texture to the product and make the skin look very soft. You may also contain a small amount of glycol acid or lactic acid to exfoliate the skin and provide instant gratification. These items will not change anything on the skin surface. At least make sure that the antioxidant peptide, or you are buying is very near the top of the list of ingredients. Decode the label has limitations, however. Most of the time a product does not indicate the concentration or percentage of ingredients (and it does not). And very high concentrations of some ingredients, like vitamin C, can be toxic to the skin. Nor do I mean by a label component as an antioxidant, is stable or not.

3. Select your anti-aging ingredients wisely.

 Ok, let's switch gears. Let's pretend that the work of cosmeceuticals.

With so many promising new compounds to correct many problems as it must decide between them? You need an antioxidant or a peptide? And what is a growth factor, anyway? This is a sure recipe + Retinoids, or you have to try a version of the first table? Step back, look at your skin, and believes that the products they already own. A moisturizer? A sunscreen? A chemical exfoliant or a scrub? (Make sure your moisturizer have an antioxidant or an ingredient that will soon discuss. You can use an anti-aging product for some time without even knowing it.) Ask yourself what you are trying to achieve with a cosmetic. You are in their twenties and are looking for a preventative product? An antioxidant is a good bet. I would like to fight wrinkles? So something with retinoic acid will work. If brown spots and uneven skin tone are the problem, you can use retinoic acid or try a product with niacinamide. Ascertain what it wants to improve his appearance, and this will help narrow down your choices.

Tending to your complexion is like caring for a garden that needs a certain amount of water, nutrients, soil and sun to grow and be healthy. If you overwater or overfeed it, the garden is destroyed. Likewise, giving a very good on your skin is not necessarily better or more efficient. I have had patients come with red skin, irritated and told me that twenty different products that use the same. As all these ingredients react with each other? They are overlapped the same kinds of chemicals such as acids, again and again? Try to choose one or two active ingredients - an antioxidant and Retinoids +, for example - and keep them at least three months (a reasonable amount of time to see if it gets results). Change one ingredient for another within a span of weeks - a niacinamide product, then a Kojic acid, hydrochloric acid, then a azeleic to get rid of brown spots, for example - cancreate a cocktail of chemicals in his face can be very annoying.

4. search products, and learn the difference between miracles and marketing.
 Do your homework on the ingredients, and think logically about their requirements. Often what is revealed to be an innovator of new chemicals ends up being a derivative of something that already exists. For example, an exciting component (whose name was created and patented by a cosmetics company) claims to stimulate the production of glycosaminoglycans (gags) and increased water storage in the dermis. This chemical is a cool, Sci-Fi and the name sounds like an amazing invention, but is simply a plant derived from xylose (a sugar molecule as gags). Again, analysis of the manufacturers are proprietary, and most products that contain ingredients include hyaluronic acid, a humectant higher. So, it's hard to say who is responsible for any result of water retention in the skin. A little sleuthing online can tell you what a hot new ingredient is real and if clinical studies behind it are real.

Most of these ingredients are not really under the jurisdiction of a dermatologist. Medical training has nothing to do with how a popular antioxidant CoffeeBerry, or an ingredient such as, rare Japanese algae. As a physician, I have to make an educated medical opinion if these things yield significant results or not. Li claims and literature available, put them through my understanding of dermatological body, and to judge whether a hypothesis is reasonable or not. So far, three things are proven to work as anti-ager: sunscreen, moisturizer (to maintain the health of skin barrier) and retinoic acid.

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